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Version 1.7
 Subsection 2.4.2: Selecting objects Up Section 2.4: Exploring a Model Section 2.5: Solving the Model  

2.4.3 Transforming an object

Once an object is selected you can transform it, which means you can translate, rotate, or scale it. To apply a particular transformation, make sure one of more objects are selected. Then click on one of the transform buttons on the toolbar. For example, to translate an object click on the translate toolbar button (i.e. the button with the crossed arrows). A triad appears on the selected object(s). The triad is positioned at the current pivot point, which is the center from which the transformation is applied. The triad consists of three colored arms and three colored planes. When you move the mouse over one of the arms or planes, it becomes highlighted. A highlighted arm or plane can be selected and when you drag the mouse, you can move the object in the corresponding direction.
For more precise modeling you can also enter the transformation numerically using the Transform dialog which is accessible from the Edit menu (Edit Transform… ).
If you accidentally moved an object, you can undo your action by selecting the Edit Undo menu (shortcut ctrl . The Edit Redo menu option allows you to redo your last undone action. Note that you have a virtually unlimited undo-redo stack so you rarely have to worry about making mistakes. However, for large models the undo stack may consume a lot of memory. The undo stack is cleared each time you save your model.
 Subsection 2.4.2: Selecting objects Up Section 2.4: Exploring a Model Section 2.5: Solving the Model