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 Subsubsection Spherical Up Subsection 4.3.3: Distribution Subsubsection Periodic von Mises Distribution Ellipsoidal

The fiber density distribution type “ellipsoidal” models a generally orthotropic 3D distribution. It corresponds to where are the components of in the local Cartesian basis of each element, when specified (see Section 4.1.1↑) or the global basis by default; and is calculated to satisfy the integration constraint on . The parameters represents the semi-principal axes of the ellipsoid and must be positive. The following material parameters need to be defined:
<spa> The semi-principal axes of the ellipsoid [ ]
The value of is automatically adjusted to account for the values of the semi-principal axes . Therefore, only the relative ratios of these parameters matter.
figure ../Figures/FigEllipsoidalDistribution.png
<distribution type="ellipsoidal">

 Subsubsection Spherical Up Subsection 4.3.3: Distribution Subsubsection Periodic von Mises Distribution